Monday, April 6, 2015


Easter morning found us at a type of church we have only been to one other time. (Christmas morning 1999, Hanmer Springs, New Zealand.)

This year we celebrated Easter at an Anglican church. There are two couples in our Community Bible Study group who attend this church and had invited us to visit. What better Sunday than Easter?

I really wasn't sure what to expect. I guess I expected something dry and rote. Boy, was I surprised! There was a definite feeling of joy of the resurrection of Jesus and glorifying God going on!

The service started with what they called The Flowering of the Cross. Children (and some adults) came forward to put flowers on the cross. It was beautiful.

The fragrance from the flowers was lovely!

It is a very liturgical church, so there was a lot of responsive reading. The minister (Priest? I don't know what they are called in the Anglican church) gave a gospel-filled message wanting people to actually know Jesus and have a relationship with him. (I've been to too many church services where the sermon could be summarized as "Go be nice to people".)

After the sermon, communion was served. Everyone filed up front to receive communion. Since we had name tags on, I was touched to hear my name from the minister (priest?), "Judy, this is Christ's body broken for you. Judy, this is Christ's blood shed for you." Love the personal touch. I was moved by watching the ministers lay their hands on the heads of some of the children that went up with there parents and pray for them. I wondered what they prayed.

I was amused at the spring and Easter garb. Evidently men of the South like to wear bow-ties, pastel plaid sport coats and I saw more than one man wearing a light blue and white striped sear-sucker suit. Oh my. The three year old little boy with the saddle shoes and the light blue and white sear-sucker suit was cute, but the men? Hmmmmm.

Overall, it was a beautiful celebration. I was happy to be surprised.


  1. Wow, that would not have been what I expected either. I'm not that familiar with the Anglican church, but I know enough to know that they're very liturgical, which all too often means dry and boring. And I love that the priest (?) gave a gospel-filled message. Too many, unfortunately, settle for the safe "be nice" message.

  2. hahah, 'surprised' also defined my Easter this year! God is full of wonderful surprises.

    In all sincerity, I think running to Iowa to hold your baby granddaughter is a most sensible means of escaping present stress and chaos.
