Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Wednesday Hodgepodge

I'm joining up today with the Wednesday Hodgepodge. Click on the button below to hop over to Joyce's blog to join up and read all the other participant's answers to this week's questions.

1. When did you last have to interact, either by phone or in person, with someone in a government run agency? On a scale of 1-10, how would you rate the experience? (10 being fabulous and 1 being pass the Tylenol)
In December, I went into the local post office in Smaller Town, Minnesota to inquire about how to stop, hold and forward our mail. We were leaving Minnesota, but had two weeks before we would be in our temporary apartment in South Carolina.  The postal employee gave me good instructions, but when I went back a couple of weeks later to hand them the paperwork, another employee was very confused and tried to give me different, more confusing, instructions. Oh the joy of a small town where no one moves in to or away from. I'd rate these experiences as a 3. We will again have to have our mail forwarded when we move into our house in the next month. I hope we don't totally loose stuff because of that. But what else can we do? My next interaction with government will be to get a driver's license and change the plates on our cars. I've heard rumblings that neither of these are simple processes.

2. The current governor of Wisconsin is considering a run for President next time around. Walker attended Marquette University, but never graduated. In terms of any candidate running for the office of President (not asking here if you agree or disagree with Scott Walker's politics) would the lack of a college degree influence your vote or no? Would that be a factor in your support of any candidate running for public office, even a role less weighty than President?
I do think someone running for a political office should have a college degree and it would influence my vote.

3. When did you last visit a place or site named for George Washington or Abraham Lincoln, and what was that place or site?
Hmmmm..... we drove through Lincoln, Nebraska several years ago...

4. February 16th was President's Day in the US, but did you know it was also National Almond Day? I didn't think so :) Do you like almonds? If so, what's a food/dish/recipe you enjoy that contains almonds? 
I love almonds! I like to eat them as a snack. Jaarsma Bakery in Pella, Iowa makes the best pastries with almond paste. My all time favorite is these Dutch Letters:

My mom also made a dessert called Almond Cookie Cake. I'd include the recipe here, but being in the process of moving means I don't have access to my recipes and cookbooks right now.

5. The television program Saturday Night Live celebrated it's 40th anniversary this past weekend. Were/are you a fan of the show? If so what has been your favorite (or one of your favorite) skits, sayings, or characters that came out of the program?
I really liked the late 70s time period with Billy Murray, Dan Akroyd, Gilda Radner, Chevy Chase, etc.  The Loud Family and the Coneheads were some of my favorites.

6. Anything purple within ten feet of you? What is it?
Since I am in a small one bedroom apartment, almost everything here is within 10 feet of me. ha. One purple thing is some eyeshadow that I use sparingly and not very often. Another is a pair of amethyst earrings.
7. Back in December I asked you to submit a question for a future HP as part of a giveaway I was hosting. I grabbed this one from those entries, submitted by Zoanna who blogs over at Penchant for Pens. Thanks Zoanna!
She asks, "How often do you make your bed, and how do you like to make it-pull the covers all the way up over the pillows, tuck the covers in around the pillows, or place all the pillows on top of the covers?" 
I like the idea of a made bed every day....but in reality, it doesn't happen. I'd say I make the bed anywhere from 2-4 times a week. I like to pull the quilt over the pillows and do a little tucking, then add the "pretty" pillows. 

8. Insert your own random thought here.
These is a picture of my baby girl when she was nine days old. She will be having her first baby (a girl!) in less than a month! So exciting and so hard to comprehend!


  1. Ahh, another fan of the 1970's version of SNL. I was disappointed in the special ... I had really hoped to see more of the skits from those good years.

  2. So you bought? I'd love to know where you'll be, what part of town? So excited for you and your baby girl and her baby girl!

  3. The 70's were the best for SNL, weren't they? No other decade compares!

  4. How wonderful that you'll soon be having another little somebody to love! Hope all goes well!

  5. Congratulations to your daughter! Sweet pic of her as a baby. About the Dutch Letters, I have made them, and it's a real pain. I'd happily buy them from a bakery. Sure could use one now, almost lunch time! Enjoyed your Hodgepodge.

  6. I totally forgot about the Coneheads. I like them also on that show. Congrats on your soon to be grandbaby. They are such a joy and a true blessing. My daughter just had her first son 7 months ago tomorrow and he is my sunshine on a daily basis. Love the snuggles.

  7. I'd love to try one of those S pastries. Yum. And I bet it's incomprehensible to be weeks away from the reality of your child's child making her debut. I can hardly wait for my turn.
