Tuesday, February 2, 2016

The Doxology, My Story

I grew up in churches that regularly sang The Doxology during the worship service. 

Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise him, all creatures here below;
Praise him above, ye heavenly host:
Praise Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.

It is a simple song, with powerful words of praise that God deserves.

Years ago, when we lived in Southeast Asia, we took a family trip to Thailand.  We visited many tourist attractions including the Grand Palace in Bangkok.  It was the official residence of the kings starting in 1782. Currently it is used for royal ceremonies and state functions. And tourism. We were on a guided tour of the palace (which included strict dress codes: arms covered, legs covered to below knee) when our tour guide directed us into a large room that was The Temple of the Emerald Buddha. We had read that we could not sit with our legs crossed or our feet out in front of us (because it's rude to point the bottoms of your feet at someone), so essentially we were to kneel in front of the Buddha statue. The four of us walked in there, saw people kneeling before the idol, looked at each other, shook our heads "no", and walked right back out. Our tour guide had the most puzzled look on her face. Shortly after that we were amongst a bunch of people who were walking around with incense and praying to Buddha, I started singing the Doxology to myself. I felt such an evil presence there. I think we all did because we all agreed that we didn't need to or want to visit any more Buddhist temples while we were in Thailand. 

Since that trip, I often think of that day when I have sung that song in church.

Now I have even more memories associated with that sweet little song.

Before every meal my dad sings that song and my mom hums along and sometimes mouths the words. It gets me every single time, because since September 6, 2013, my mom has not spoken. A stroke is a cruel thing. It takes away so much. But my mom HUMS the tune to that song. So awesome!

Hubby and I gave this print to my mom and dad for a Housewarming/Christmas gift. It hangs in their new kitchen. I just love it!

We have attended a church here that sings an interesting version of the Doxology at the end of every service. They call it The Gospel Doxology. Here are the words:

Your perfect law exposes me 
I feel my sin and desperate need 
My best good works are powerless 
To satisfy your righteousness 

But there is One who lived for me! 
His life, my only victory 
His death, forever sealed in time 
That I am His and He is mine! 

Praise God from whom all blessings flow 
Praise Him all creatures here below! 
Praise Him, above ye heavenly hosts 
Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost Amen

I am often a puddle of tears when I sing this, in part because of the magnitude of the words and in part because I see and hear my mother humming along and mouthing the words.

The power of music amazes me.


  1. Sweet post, Judy. How wonderful that your Mom shares in that expression with your Dad! Can't imagine a better house warming gift for them.

  2. I lead worship at an English home group here -- this is on the set for next time! Thank you for sharing these verses.

  3. How wonderful your mom can hum this beautiful piece of music! I love The Doxology. I really love playing handbells and hearing the congregation singing this song. Music is definitely healing and can provide great comfort and therapy. There are music therapist-I wanted to do this when I was younger; however, there was not enough work. Today, with our knowledge of the brain, music therapy is exploding. Thanks for sharing!

  4. How wonderful your mom can hum this beautiful piece of music! I love The Doxology. I really love playing handbells and hearing the congregation singing this song. Music is definitely healing and can provide great comfort and therapy. There are music therapist-I wanted to do this when I was younger; however, there was not enough work. Today, with our knowledge of the brain, music therapy is exploding. Thanks for sharing!
