Thursday, November 17, 2016

Pretend, PlayDoh, Hats, Singing and Sewing

Twenty month old little girls are so very busy and so much fun! 

I had a friend next to me while I ate breakfast this morning. Lydia had some bites of my eggs (because Grammy's are better) and we each had a piece of pumpkin bread. Lydia shared her bread with her baby doll. (All her idea.)

I took a gamble and brought some PlayDoh for Lydia to play with. Once we established, "No Lydia, don't put it in your mouth", she had a blast and sat at the kitchen counter and played with it for more than an hour! I would make balls and she would squish them. Over and over and over and over again.

We played with toys, we sang songs, she wore this awesome hat her great-aunt made, we Skyped with Pops.

I've been working on teaching her the motions to "Away in the Manger". I taught her mommy that when she was the same age. It's part of our family home movie history. This little girl is as sweet as her mommy as we do the motions. I admit to having tears streaming down my face as I watched Lydia learn and showed her mommy how well she did!

Daughter and I got a lot accomplished. Daughter cooked several things for freezer meals, she sewed a fourth Christmas stocking, we worked on a few other sewing projects together.

Working together brough back memories of working on projects with my mom when my kids were little. Good memories. I miss doing those things with my mom. More tears.

Today I am thankful for...

...sweet memories with my granddaughter
...big running hugs from a twenty month old
...memories of my mom
...God's abundant grace

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