I'm feeling like I really need to step up this whole blogging thing, so let's do a little weekend recap. Bullet format.
●Friday I started feeling like I was getting a cold. Noteworthy? To me, yes. I feel like I have been sick or recovering from sickness or surgery or something since Thanksgiving. So done with that.
●Friday night we watched some college basketball only to see our Alma Mater lose a Sweet 16 game.
● I fully expected my cold to be worse Saturday morning, thankfully it wasn't, so we were up and headed off to North Carolina to see my parents and siblings.
● It was good to sit and talk with my dad for a while when we first got there.
●My siblings decided that it would be "easier" to go to Easter church service Saturday night. Honestly? I didn't feel anything like Easter to me. While I have never been to a Sunrise Easter Service, I still feel like there is something to celebrating Easter on Sunday morning.
●The church we went to is one of those huge churches that has multiple (8?) campuses. Hubby and I agree that we just don't get the appeal. There just doesn't seem to be a way to know people or see people you may know. I guess you can be involved in a small group, but even then what are the odds of seeing the people you do know on a Sunday morning?
●I was NOT impressed by the joke the pastor gave right at the beginning of the sermon about two drunk guys in a bar. So inappropriate for any church service ever. Why do some pastors feel the need to entertain rather than just flat out preach God's word?
●My brother-in-law is learning to be a master of the smoker that came with their new house. We had some fantastic prime rib, pork and lamb chops.
●Sunday morning I woke up feeling terrible and could barely talk. Ugh.
●We got to watch my niece's and nephew's girls hunt for Easter eggs. Here's a picture of the girls (and my dad) waiting for the go ahead
●We ended up leaving earlier than we planned because I felt so terrible and kept wanting to fall asleep.
●The four hour drive home was stressful due to the heavy rain the whole way. Hubby is a champ for doing all the driving!
●The trip home was made a little better with a stop at IKEA. We were worried we wouldn't make it before it closed because of traffic delays, but we had a whole 22 minutes before it closed. I just wanted a couple of things, but came out with five things. I love IKEA.
●We both like to unpack everything as soon as we get home from a trip. Do you do that or do you do it the next day or over the next week? Or maybe you just shove the suitcase in the corner to wait until your next trip?
●I had a hard time getting to sleep last night due to the coughing, but feel a little better today.
●I'm baking a little today to have some bars to bring to our Bible study social tonight.
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